Breaking the glass wall

The bell rang..on the other side it was HR head for discussing the workshop details, a general call to a behavioural trainer- where one needs to understand the objectives behind the workshop, what is the setup, what is the level of participants and what would be probable challenges one needs to assess before getting the framework ready for the workshop. I finished my discussion and kept the phone down...was completely lost in my thoughts unaware that my daughter was watching me from far...

She could not hold on for long, never before she had seen her mom reacting like this post any discussion, she gently tapped me on my shoulder...and I just reacted - you know what...I will have Belapure Sir as one of the can's just not...oh no...I Can't...

My chain of thoughts took me back in 1988/89...I had joined as a trainee in Cipla in Production Dept, a fresher, when enters in real working environment, it's a very impressionable age and that one year actually makes lot of changes in you as one needs to make that shift as a professional from student. My immediate boss- Prabhu Sir was there to guide me, shield me in case I goofed up(and I did, sometimes) and our Top boss was Belapure Sir. A charismatic persona, bubbling with energy that one can't miss on and his connect to all of us was something that got me feeling awe about him, always approachable even by a most junior candidate like me, never missed on a chance to even ask me about what changes could be done for better results. For his entire team...he was always there to take care , support, guide.

And he never looked tensed-made complicated things look easy.

Yes-for me the best living example so far, as far as leadership is concerned was him, day I wanted to be like him...every junior trainee thinks like that-nothing new...One Day....

And "THE BELAPURE SIR" I had to face- in audience...

For me it has been a big- I CAN'T

I never allowed any of my friends, known trainer, people whom I admire to be part of my session. I thought it would surely make me uncomfortable and I will lose on my regular confident performance.

There I more glass wall, I had no choice and had to break and with none other than LORD OF LEADERS in audience.

My daughter had heard a lot about Sir before...she chuckled and said..."break that glass wall mom!!!"

And yes I did I will not mind anyone...just anyone as my participant, I know I have broken the glass wall successfully.

Is our life journey nothing but recognising these glass walls that we have built all around us, and breaking them and setting yourself free and moving to the next glass wall?

When I started my journey as a trainer, while training others I realised I have many such I Can'ts, and I will move ahead as a trainer only when I confront those I CAN'T s and gain my confidence. 2016 has been very fruitful journey, when I look back at the year I am feeling truly satisfied to have broken some of the glass walls.

I took it up, and yes the glass wall broke...with new confidence in me...Oh it was not that difficult after all....

A glass wall —a true trainer will not have a language barrier...yes-its true. So far it was knowledge-now WISDOM.

But it was in my bucket list, and did mention this to my daughter few days back...

And there she a grown up child, kept her arms around my shoulder and whispered-‘Mom-just go for it.'

I have managed to enrol myself though it's an uphill task with my hoarse voice and busy schedule.

But the fact remains that I managed to break the glass wall....

For this coming year I wish all the readers, friends and my close ones to find their glass walls and courage to break...

Wish you all a happy new year!!!